Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Poe necklace

I found this necklace on etsy, in secretjewellz's shop, and i just fell in LOVE with it. well, technically it's a locket, but whatever, lol. in case you don't know, the guy on there is the famous author edgar allen poe. if you don't know who he is than you fail at life. lol. jk. but seriously, it's a really cool necklace. it looks like a real antiquem which is AWESOME! I like the moth on there; it's really cool and random. plus, above the pendant there is a moth, or butterfly, i think it's a moth, pendant, which is really pretty. it's kind of expensive, so it will probably be awhile before i get this, but hopefully someday! lol. i LOVE it, it's one of my favorite things that i have found! here's the link! stay cute!

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