Thursday, September 24, 2009


So i know my general rule is to just feature things that are under $100. but when i found these, im sorry, i had to put them in. they are at, which is a great site because when you order from them, you usually get what you ordered from them the next day (i'm not joking! it's awesome!) i have a similar pair at home, but they aren't very practical becuase they go so high up my leg. these go up the perfect height, from the looks of them. And that company, it's really good. JIM FLIPPIN MORRISON even wore boots from them, so i mean, come on now, lol. these are pretty expensive, so im hoping maybe ill get them as a gift, because at that price i probably wont be getting them on my own. this style just comes in black, but you can get VERY similar styles in different shades of brown (you'll see when you get to the site.) they are awesome aren't they? i think so? if you think so too, here's the link! stay cute! keep rockin'!

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